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Updated: Aug 2, 2018

Sometimes you just need a pack that can carry the stuff you need and nothing you don’t. We like to have our cake and eat it too, so we made our new Going Backpack (named for a popular bike route in Portland, the Going Street Greenway) a rolltop. It features a low profile ideal for those trips where you just need to carry the essentials (for us this means our water bottle, coffee, laptop and a jacket) while easily squeezing onto a crowded commuter train or bus during rush hour. When you need to haul more, the Going expands almost magically to absorb a surprising amount of cargo.

$ 119.00 Buy It

Horrified and astounded by the immense amount of waste produced by the fashion industry, Looptworks was founded in August 2009 by apparel industry veteran Scott Hamlin. Coming to the table armed with extensive experience in the athletic and outdoor industry, they began with a simple goal: utilize industry excess materials to create products.

This ethos is framed by one simple concept, which is also our motto:  "Use only what already exists." It is the most environmentally responsible way to create visually stunning, useful, quality products and conserve water and fresh air.

Supporting upcycled products that avoid the use of virgin materials keeps these materials out of landfills and incinerators.


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